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Benchmark 3

Custom Motion Graphics + East Coast Tour

3. Enhanced Production and Nationwide Premiere Tour - $50,000

3.1 Production Enhancements

Custom Motion Graphics: $10,000

Hire Motion Graphics Artist: Payment to a skilled motion graphics artist to create and integrate custom animations and visual effects to enhance the film’s appeal.

Software and Hardware: Costs associated with the necessary software licenses and any additional hardware requirements.

Additional Iconic Interviews: $4,000

Interview Setup: Costs for additional filming days, including crew salaries and equipment.

Editing and Post-Production: Enhancing and integrating the new interviews into the documentary.

Custom Artwork: $3,000

Commission Fees: Payment to a celebrated DnD artist for creating a custom piece of art for the film.

3.2 Travel Costs

Trip to California and Seattle for Interviews: $6,000

Berkeley, California (Erol Otus)

Travel: $1,200

Accommodation: $800

Per Diem: $500

Seattle, Washington (Stefan Pokorny)

Travel: $1,000

Accommodation: $700

Per Diem: $400

Additional Trips to Secure Interviews with Wizards of the Coast Figures

Travel: $1,200

Accommodation: $800

Per Diem: $500

3.3 Nationwide Premiere Tour

Nationwide Screening Tour: $15,000

Multi-City Screening Tour (dates and cities TBD)

Venue Rentals: $5,000

Marketing and Promotion: $4,000

Catering and Refreshments: $3,000

Event Staffing: $3,000

3.4 Short Gameplay Events: 10,000

Setup Costs: Transportation and setup of 

Event Staffing and Logistics: Hiring staff to assist with event logistics and management.

3.5 Contingency Fund

Contingency: $2,000

Unexpected Expenses: Covering any unforeseen costs that arise during production, post-production, and the premiere tour.


Custom Motion Graphics: $10,000

Additional Iconic Interviews: $4,000

Custom Artwork: $3,000

Travel Costs: $6,000

Nationwide Screening Tour: $15,000

Short Gameplay Events: $10,000

Contingency Fund: $2,000

Grand Total: $50,000

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