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Benchmark 4

Two Reenactment Scenes + Additional Tour Dates

4. Expanded Production and Nationwide Premiere Tour with Reenactments - $100,000

4.1 Reenactment Scenes

Two Detailed Reenactment Scenes: $30,000

Scene Development and Scriptwriting: $5,000

• Costs for writers and historians to develop accurate and engaging reenactment scripts.

Casting and Talent: $8,000

• Payment for actors and extras, including any required talent fees.

Costumes and Props: $7,000

• Creating or renting period-appropriate costumes and props for the reenactment scenes.

Location Rental and Set Design: $5,000

• Renting suitable locations and building necessary sets for the reenactments.

Filming and Production: $5,000

• Crew salaries, equipment rental, and other production costs specific to the reenactment scenes.

4.2 Production Enhancements

Higher Quality Production Values: $25,000

Equipment Upgrades: $10,000

• Renting or purchasing higher-end cameras, lighting, and sound equipment to enhance the overall production quality.

Advanced Post-Production: $10,000

• Higher budget for editing, color correction, sound design, and visual effects.

Additional Filming Days: $5,000

• Extra days for shooting high-quality B-roll, additional interviews, and supplementary content.

4.3 Nationwide Premiere Tour

Expanded Nationwide Screening Tour: $30,000

Multi-City Screening Tour (dates and cities TBD)

Venue Rentals: $10,000

• Costs for renting larger or more prestigious venues for screenings.

Marketing and Promotion: $10,000

• Enhanced marketing efforts, including online advertising, press coverage, and promotional materials.

Catering and Refreshments: $5,000

• Higher quality catering and refreshments for premiere events.

Event Staffing: $5,000

• Additional staff to manage larger events, including ushers, security, and technical support.

Q&A Sessions: $10,000

Guest Speakers and Hosts: $5,000

• Honorariums and travel expenses for guest speakers, including notable figures from the film.

Event Logistics: $5,000

• Costs for organizing and managing Q&A sessions, including microphones, seating, and other logistical needs.

4.4 Contingency Fund

Contingency: $5,000

Unexpected Expenses: Covering any unforeseen costs that arise during production, post-production, and the premiere tour.


Reenactment Scenes: $30,000

Higher Quality Production Values: $25,000

Expanded Nationwide Screening Tour: $30,000

Q&A Sessions: $10,000

Contingency Fund: $5,000

Grand Total: $100,000

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